 Cook receipe
 Cook receipe
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Thinking to Italian cooking, many people are convinced that it is difficult to prepare what the mediterraean people are used to prepare since ancien time. How is wrong. The Italian cooking comes from peasant tradition and several time appear more difficult that in the fact. We want to convince you how is easy to prepare some italian dishes only equipped of some simple ingredients.

Special receipe of the week:



Ingredients for 4 people: 200gr. of Lasagne; 200gr. of Milk cream; 20gr. of butter, 100gr.of cheese at least 2 type (best to grate: 50 gr. of parmigiano reggiano). 100gr. of minced Meat, olive oil, 400gr. of tomato sauce, garlic, 1 carrot, celery, salt

Tools: 1 large pot for fire, 1 large pot for microware, 1 medium pot for fire


Mince 2 clove of garIic, 1 carrot and celery; then put all in a medium pot and cook at warm fire for 1 minute; include the minced meat  and cook for 3 minutes since the meat became brown; then include  the tomato sauce, salt and cook it for 20 minutes. In a large pot warm some water sufficient to cover the lasagne; when the water is sufficient warm include one slice of lasagne for 1 minute; In the other large pot include a slice of tepido butter; then lay down a slice of lasagne from the first pot, include a stratum of cheese and milk cream, a spoon of minced meat. Repeat the above procedure to produce as many slice as you desire. Then put the pot in the microware (grill+microwave) at 350 watts for 15 - 18 minutes.

Vine: Red wine - We suggest our Dolcetto Piemonte

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